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Hello! My name is Jordanne.  As a second generation Urban Homesteader, the Revolution has most definitely been HOMEGROWN.  


I am a co-owner of the original Urban Homestead (Pasadena, CA) that was founded in 1986 and was the driving force behind the then unfamiliar concept of “Urban Homesteading” --  now a part of the modern vocabulary.


My family and I have continuously farmed this 1/10th of an acre plot and created a self-sufficient life.  With over 20 years of long-term, provable success; our innovative urban micro-farm is widely considered the leading example of what eco-sustainable life should look like in the future.


I love to learn and because of that, I am a person of many skills and my unique upbringing has presented me with extensive experience as a life-long learner.   


When I teach, I can't help but be passionate because I get to integrate my real life experiences with each presentation.   I enjoy nature and all it has to offer.  Coming from an agricultural background, I have been in tune with the rhythms of the natural world all of my life. 


You will find that all of my long list of passions will be topics for what I love to share in the many ways I can.    I am a big believer of sharing what has been “given” to me and I have taught in a variety of settings; educating all ages from five to ninety-five.


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